Flor de Abril
Flor de Abril's Story
La Finca Flor de Abril is located in the canton of Santa Bárbara de Heredia, at 1550 meters above sea level, near the Barva Volcano. The farm employs good agricultural practices, focusing on the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, the National Decarbonization Plan, circular economy, and regenerative agriculture to ensure traceability in production processes. It has been awarded the Ecological Blue Flag for three consecutive years, and its coffee can be enjoyed in both national and international cafés. Run by fourth-generation coffee farmers, Nancy and Fernando Guerrero, Flor de Abril's agricultural practices, among others, include growing coffee beans with maize to improve soil nutrient cycling and strengthen natural pest defenses, working to ensure they have a long-lasting, positive relationship with the earth. The farm also aims to increase the culture of specialty coffee consumption in their country, reserving much of their harvest for the local market, also producing by-products such as coffee cherry tea and fermented coffee-based beverages to further the amount of money staying in Costa Rica.